Kódy & standardy
Všechny produkty firmy Perolo odpovídají jednomu nebo více z následujících standardů:
- IMDG - The International Maritime Dangerous Goods code
- ADR - The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.
- RID - The European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail
- CEN – The European Committee for Standardization. Miscellaneous covering tank design, equipment and operation.
- CENELEC - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. Electrical safety in explosive atmospheres.
- API – The American Oil and Gas trade association. Recommended Practice RP1004 - Bottom Loading and Vapour Recovery for MC-306 Tank Motor Vehicles.
- CODAP – French construction code for pressure equipment - Ed 2000 & Ed 2005
- AFNOR – French association for standardisation
- BSI - British Standards Institute
- PEI - Petroleum Equipment Institute
- TTMA - Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association
- ATEX - European directive concerning equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
- PED – European directive concerning pressure equipment
- TPED – European directive concerning transportable pressure equipment
- ASME - American construction code for pressure equipment - Ed 2007 & Ed 2010
Certifikační orgány
Produkty Perolo jsou schváleny jedním nebo více z níže uvedených subjektů:
Testovací laboratoře
Výrobky Perolo jsou certifikovány s podporou následujících laboratoří: